Personna Triflexx blades are fully compatible with all Gillette Sensor handles as well as Personna's Triflexx razor. Each Package contains 8 cartridges. Personna Triflexx blades are noted for:
- Three Blades aligned with precision to shave close with one stroke
- Flexing Blades adjust to the contours of your skin.
- Premium Blade Coating allows the blades to comfortably glide across skin.
- Micro Matrix to prepare the beard for an incredibly close shave
- Vitamin E and Aloe Lubricating Strip reduces skin irritation.
Made in the USA
9 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
excellent product
prsonnal tri-flex
Excellent product for my needs. works great
Person Tri-Flexxx
Excellent product. Made in the US. Not woke.
Person Tri-Flexx
Excellent made in USA razor.
excellent product and a good value
razor blades
The razor blades are fine, and the price was good, but what really impressed me was the company. They filled my order as soon as I submitted it, mailed it out promptly, and I had it in about 2 days. It was a pleasure doing business with you!
Tri-Flexx blades
Excellent quality and a perfect replacement for Gillette blades
Best 3-Blade Razor
These Personna Tri-Flexxx blades shave identically to the Gillette Mach3, only at one-third the cost. It is much more accurate and controllable due to the smaller razor head which is the same size as the Gillette Sensor. Easier to shave under your nose compared to the larger head on the Mach 3. It fits my Sensor razor handle perfectly. Shaving head did not clog any more than the Sensor or the Mach3. I do not like the size of the Mach3 head and the Sensor blades are becoming hard to find. I ordered these to try and am glad I did. Will continue to order these.
Nice Blades!
I've used the Gillette Sensor razor for years and was disappointed when Costco stopped selling their blades. I found the Personna replacements on Amazon and decided to try them as the price was much cheaper than the Gillettes anywhere else. I was majorly surprised to find out that the Personnas were TRIPLE blades, not doubles like the Gillettes. They cut so smooth and close, much nicer than the Gillettes. I use a ladies Gillette razor, as they are a wide flat handle instead of the standard thin stem. I shave my head daily as well as my beard, so the ladies razor has much more stability and control. I've cut myself much less with it. With these Personna blades cutting should be virtually eliminated!